Oauth 2.O grant types

whats is Oauth?
it is a protocol which is helped to provide user's resource to a third application with user authorization also it allows, resource owner can be customized 3rd party application resource scope. so it allows a resource to 3rd party client based on users authorization. if you need more information about this protocol you can read this "Sample OAuth protocol base servers and client".  there are 4 type of actors in this protocol such as resource owner(user), 3rd party application, authorization server and resource server. we already discussed OAuth follow and other important stuff in our previous posts. so in this post, we are going to discuss OAuth grant types.

OAuth has 5 grant type those are authorization code grant type, implicit grant type, resource owner credential grant type, client credential grant type and refresh token grant type. however, we only consider up to four type of grant as main grant types because most of the systems don't use refresh token also it always uses one of other OAuth grant type. now let's discuss each and every grant type.

  • Authorization code grant.

  1. when a user tries to share his resource with 3rd party application the entire flow will start. if a user would like to share information with 3rd party client app, it will give an information about this resource owner(user) request to the authorization server.
  2. if that resource owner is already logged in, the authorization server will send a user consent page to the resource owner otherwise it enforces to log in.
  3. user customize or accepts 3rd party client requested scope and give this information to the authorization server.
  4. once authorization server received authorization approval from the resource owner it will be issued authorization code to the client app.
  5. then the client app will send the authorization code in HTTP POST request.
  6. it will be received an access token in HTTP response. 
  7. then client app going to ask resource from resource server by using the access token. 
  8. finally, the resource server will be issued resource to the third-party client.
    (note: there is a token validation procedure before the resource issue)
this grant type uses for the server-side web application like facebook funny application.
  • Implicit grant type

  1. the client application makes a resource request to the authorization server
  2. authorization server will check user session. if it not active, I will enforce to log in.
  3. once the user successfully logged in, authorization server will be issued an access token.
  4. now client application can access service from API by using token.
this grant type is using for client-side scripting languages (javascript) based website. browser plugin, google maps are real-world example of this grant type.

  • Client credential grant type

  1. the client provides his credentials to authenticate.
  2. the server will send an access token to the client after the authentication.
  3. then the client can access API by using server issued token.
this is using for the server to server communication it means, the client also must be a server. it does not exchange individual personal data. weather information and sports score cades updates are based on this grant type.

  • Resource owner credentials (password) grant.

    this grant type is mostly used by mobile applications. let's take Facebook as an example. facebook has a mobile application also it has web version but we use the same login credential for two different platforms to access our facebook account but how is it possible? because facebook app was developed by Facebook it means. both server and mobile app came from the same vendor. so, this kinked app we called as trusted app. hence if we use our Facebook credentials to log in through a mobile app, the mobile app will send the user credential to the authorization server. then it will validate credentials and give access token to the app. finally trusted mobile app will be communicating with API by using access token.

    • Refresh token
    if one of above-mentioned token was expired client app sent refresh token to authorization server and get access token again. but this time authorization server does not ask permission to the client owner. because he was issued the permission earlier. so client app can access the user resource until the user revokes the permission. however, most of the well know social media do not use this refresh token due to the security reason.


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