Auth0 based login app

figure 1

this client application based OpenID connect protocol. so it needs an identity provider helps to work. in my case, I chose Outh0 as my identity provider. if we want to use Auth0 platform we have tea create an account for us. once you created the account you will see an option called " New Application" on your dashboard. you can see the preview on figure 2.

after clicking "new application" button you have to choose an application type. in my case, I have chosen "Regular Application" option. once you completed the registration, you will able to get ClientID, ClientSecret and certificate from settings. this certificate helps the client to verify the OIDC signature. figure 3 contains ClientID and ClientSecret information and figure 4 contains information about certificates.

figure 3

figure 4

now you have everything to create an OpenID Connect web application. so we have to develop an OIDC client application. below images contain implementation steps.

this image displays the way to make a request for asking authorization code from the Authorization server. this request must contain redirection url, scope, response code and client id.

below image displays the way to make a request for access token and id token. this request must contain authorization code, client id, client secret and redirection URL. also it should be a post request because in this request filed contains clients secret. it likes a password.

Application flow

click on of the button you will redirect to user consent page.

user consent page will ask the permission from user. if user gives permission sys, system will allow to login.

login is sussed but the system has not verified the user identity. if you click "verified JWT" button, it will verify the user identity.

finally, the system verified the user.

if you want source code of this project you can check this link.


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