Oauth 2.O grant types

whats is Oauth? it is a protocol which is helped to provide user's resource to a third application with user authorization also it allows, resource owner can be customized 3rd party application resource scope. so it allows a resource to 3rd party client based on users authorization. if you need more information about this protocol you can read this " Sample OAuth protocol base servers and client ". there are 4 type of actors in this protocol such as resource owner(user), 3rd party application, authorization server and resource server. we already discussed OAuth follow and other important stuff in our previous posts. so in this post, we are going to discuss OAuth grant types. OAuth has 5 grant type those are authorization code grant type, implicit grant type, resource owner credential grant type, client credential grant type and refresh token grant type. however, we only consider up to four type of grant as main grant types because most of the systems don'...