
Showing posts from October, 2018

Oauth 2.O grant types

whats is Oauth? it is a protocol which is helped to provide user's resource to a third application with user authorization also it allows, resource owner can be customized 3rd party application resource scope. so it allows a resource to 3rd party client based on users authorization. if you need more information about this protocol you can read this " Sample OAuth protocol base servers and client ".  there are 4 type of actors in this protocol such as resource owner(user), 3rd party application, authorization server and resource server. we already discussed OAuth follow and other important stuff in our previous posts. so in this post, we are going to discuss OAuth grant types. OAuth has 5 grant type those are authorization code grant type, implicit grant type, resource owner credential grant type, client credential grant type and refresh token grant type. however, we only consider up to four type of grant as main grant types because most of the systems don'...

Auth0 based login app

figure 1 this client application based OpenID connect protocol. so it needs an identity provider helps to work. in my case, I chose Outh0 as my identity provider. if we want to use Auth0 platform we have tea create an account for us. once you created the account you will see an option called " New Application" on your dashboard. you can see the preview on figure 2. after clicking "new application" button you have to choose an application type. in my case, I have chosen "Regular Application" option. once you completed the registration, you will able to get ClientID, ClientSecret and certificate from settings. this certificate helps the client to verify the OIDC signature. figure 3 contains ClientID and ClientSecret information and figure 4 contains information about certificates. figure 3 figure 4 now you have everything to create an OpenID Connect web application. so we have to develop an OIDC client application. below im...

The technology behind login with social media (OpenId connect)

we have to use several applications and website for our day to day activities. but most of these applications allow to getting their service after creating the user account. so if we create accounts in everywhere, we should remember all user account credentials. it is a hard thing. also, it is a time-consuming activity. hence  OpenId connect protocol helps us to sort out this problem. it allows us to use the social login feature.  it means we can login into a platform by using another well-known platform. What is OpenID Connect (OIDC)? it is a protocol which came from OAuth protocol family. some of the people have questions like this " this protocol almost similar to OAuth then why we need this?" because OAuth only focuses on authorization but OIDC also focuses on authentication.  it means OAuth shares resources to anyone who has resource access token. it is not going to check who will be received the resource. but  OIDC will check...