A long time ago we published a report about how someone can hack WhatsApp with the SS7 by default. The standard SS7 exists for eons now with corrections, but GSM and telecom companies do not bother or trouble to repair their infrastructure against the standard. Now a Cyber Security Company called Positive Technologies has released a video detail as anyone in any Gmail account can hack with a name and a phone number with the standard SS7. After the abduction of the Gmail account of the victim, the investigators then tried to steal a Bitcoin wallet with the same SS7 defect. Positive researchers sent their video to Thomas Fox-Brewster, an investigating reporter for Forbes, as well as details about hacking. What is the SS7 error? The vulnerability is found in the signaling system 7 or SS7, the technology used by telecommunication operators where the high-security message system and telephone calls depend. SS7 is a set of telephone signaling protocols developed in 1975 that make i...
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