BugBounty:- Hidden field reflected XSS on wso2 cloud server (Identity_server, api_manager and etc..)
a few days back i got a mail from my wso2 Cloud Server account. so i just tried to login my account but i could not. because i forgot my cloud account password. So i was trying to reset my account by using the recovery email method. while i trying rest my account through recovery link, i noticed that URL has a parameter which is reflected to response. hence i had got an idea to check XSS vulnerability on that page. while i am trying to exploit XSS vulnerability, I could able to find "double quotes" are escaped from the filter. then i tried several payloads which only have "double quotes" and javascript event handler. i could not get xss pop up from that webpage. so i was confused. because my request payloads are reflected response without any changes. but XSS is not succeeded. suddenly i have noticed that vulnerable parameter's input type is hidden. thus the javascript event handler is not going to execute because the javascript event handlers will be executed when an input field is visible. so i tried to find out XSS payload based on hidden filed so i tried to find out XSS payload based on hidden filed. finally, i found "access key" methods. this method helps to exploit hidden field XSS vulnerability by using modern browsers.
Proof of Concept
Status:- Out of Scope
Thank you for reading.
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