
Showing posts from September, 2017

how to use Cipher Suite shell script based encryption decryption application

we should give execute permission to shell script file before use shell script on my computer. so blow image shows how to provide execute permission for the user. and also, it contains execute the command after execute the terminal will show the welcome interface. that interface contains symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, and exit part. If i choose symmetric encryption technique system will ask for the operation. when i will choose encryption part system provides encryption algorithms information so we may select one of the above algorithms. after this system ask encryption key from the user. if a user provides the password, the system shows the status and store the encrypted file into the computer. likewise, decryption functions also will happen. Note we must use the same key for encryption and decryption. if you choose asymmetric encryption system will ask same questions but the last question is different(system ask to choose key option). i choose...

What is cookie??

the cookie is a connector that is interconnected with server and client. and also, the server identifies each client based on cookies. lets we take Facebook as an example. when we try to login to the Facebook, if we already Sign on Facebook through the current browser Facebook show your homepage otherwise Facebook shows the login page. if was anyone thinking how is facebook identify the correct user account for each client request? that functions are working to based only on cookies.  Attributes of cookies  Name: it likes a normal name. it is only useful for identifying the cookies Content: its contain actual values of cookies Domain: it shows the actual domain for this cookie. Path: its contain the access permission of this cookie Secure flags (send for) : enable encryption connection. HttpOnly: prevent from javascript attacks. Expire date: after this date, we can not connect the server through this cookie.  this screenshot has sample java code for ...

Cookie based sample login app maven project

this application has two main component one is session maintaining with the cookie, another one is the security of cookies. above login page contain four type of login. each login based on different types of cookies. normally cookie based on two flags those are httpOnly flags and secure flag each flag define different manner but both are used for security purpose. secure flags  it enables the encryption connection between the server and clients. secure flags are created for only https connections. httpOnly flags this is helped to prevent from session hijacking. This cookie can not allow javascript run on it. login methods   NO: it does not have secure and httpOnly flags so this cookie hasn't any security things. blow images describe the attribute of cookies. HttpOnly: this option has only httpOnly flags so we can not run javascript on this cookie Secure: its contain the secure flag so this connection should be encrypted but we ...

how to create maven based web application

I used Linux environment for developing my project but normally Linux doesn't have maven so we should install it. if you want how to install Maven in Linux please check this link . maven is a framework that was developed to java. if we use a java based web application, the application must run on Apache Tomcat server. do you have any clarification for tomcat server you can check whether this link  also, there is few configurations  step for running your maven web app on Apache Tomcat server, then we need to create the maven project by using below command. mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-web-app-1 -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp -DinteractiveMode=false DartifactID is a name of the project. DarchetypeArtifactid defines project type such as web application or stand alone. after creating maven project, you can see web app and java folder within the project. then you can create the .jsp file into the web app folder also you ...

PoC video of How to Hack Gmail and Bitcoin Wallet using SS7 flaw

A long time ago we published a report about how someone can hack WhatsApp with the SS7 by default. The standard SS7 exists for eons now with corrections, but GSM and telecom companies do not bother or trouble to repair their infrastructure against the standard. Now a Cyber ​​Security Company called Positive Technologies has released a video detail as anyone in any Gmail account can hack with a name and a phone number with the standard SS7. After the abduction of the Gmail account of the victim, the investigators then tried to steal a Bitcoin wallet with the same SS7 defect. Positive researchers sent their video to Thomas Fox-Brewster, an investigating reporter for Forbes, as well as details about hacking. What is the SS7 error? The vulnerability is found in the signaling system 7 or SS7, the technology used by telecommunication operators where the high-security message system and telephone calls depend. SS7 is a set of telephone signaling protocols developed in 1975 that make i...

Top Google Chrome Tricks That Will Make Your Life Easier

Google Chrome is the most popular Internet browser on the planet. This is one of those statements that no one will discuss. By seeing how popular the browser is, its limit is to have so many tips and tricks available that some of them are unfortunately forgotten. We've made a list of Chrome's lesser known tricks. Read the complete list. Google agrees For those who want to use the voice search functions of their phones on their PCs. The google Google feature also works on the Chrome browser. Google Have you ever felt the need to quickly notice an idea or think that you hit yourself when you surf the Internet? With, you can quickly log everything you need into your browser. Show saved passwords We all use Google's auto-fill feature, so Chrome can remember our passwords. Have you ever wondered if your passwords are stored? You can access and / or modify them by typing the following text into the Chrome address bar: // Settings / Passwords Rest...

How to hack windows by using metasploit

use nessus scan results for exploit vulnerability. (if you don't know how to use nessus u can refer this link ) ·          You can see msft information other some details below in the report. ·          If you want to more information about the vulnerability. You can search or kali linux default database. ·          We use Metasploit framework for exploit the vulnerability.  ·          We have to start apache and postgresql server if we want to use Metasploit. ·          Use msfconsole command to enable the Metasploit. ·          Use search command to find vulnerability access path. ·          Write the use and rhost c...

How to use nessus for pentesting

The below picture show that service nessusd start. ·          First we open the browser and enter the to access nessus home page. ·          Provide the username and password on nessus and get the nessus home page. Above warning is called as SSL error. Normally this type of warning comes when we access self’s provide is certificate sites. this is not harm for us so we can ignore the warning. ·              Go to scan template and click the new scan. ·    Provide the victim ip address into the scan target box and scan it. ·          After complete the scan we can view the scan report and get the vulnerability information. ·          After complete the scan we can view th...